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The Neon Max CLI

The Neon Max CLI is a helper CLI tools specifically made to make your development with the Neon Max starter kit even more efficient.

Initialize a New Neon Max Project

You can use Git to clone Neon Max the traditional way, but to make it even easier, you can use the Neon Max CLI init command:

npx neon-max-cli init project-name

Running this command will automatically clone the correct latest Neon Max starter kit under folder-where-you-ran-the-command/project-name. Doing it this way lets you to complete the cloning and installing the dependencies in one command.

Generate a New Resource Model

Once you have initialized a Neon Max project and you've decided you want to create a new model, you can use the Neon Max CLI generate:model command. It should be noted what generating a model means:

  • Creating a new Prisma model inside prisma/schema.prisma
  • Syncing it with the Neon database

You can do all of that manually, but wit the heelp of the generate:model command, a lot will be done for you automatically:

npx generate:model ModelName


  • ModelName: the name of your model. Should be typed in Pascal Case.


  • -a or --action: provide this flag to generate basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) server actions under actions/modelName.ts.

Generate Server Actions

As mentioned before, you can provide an -a flag to also generate CRUD server actions alongside the model definition for Prisma. These are the actions that the command will generate (ModelName will be used as the example model created):

  • createModelName(): create a record.
  • getModelNameById(): get one record by id.
  • getAllModelNames(): get all records.
  • updateModelName(): update a record by id.
  • deleteModelName(): delete record by id.