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Getting Started

What you'll need

Cloning the Starter Kit

To start building with Neon Max by cloning the starter kit either by using the neon-max-cli tool or by cloning by directly cloning the starter kit's Github repo and installing all its dependencies:

Use the CLI

npx neon-max-cli init project-name

This command will do all the cloning and installing for you. If you prefer to directly clone using git:

Clone the Repo

git clone custom-name
npm install

Environment Variables

There are a couple of environment variables that are required before starting your development. Namely, a NextAuth secret and your Neon database URL.

There's an example .env.example file that you can copy to get started

cp .env.example .env

This new .env file will be where you'll store environment variables.

Next, generate a NextAuth secret with:

npx auth secret --raw

Copy the generated value and put in into AUTH_SECRET in your .env file.

You'll also need a database URL, we'll get to that in the following section.

Preparing Neon

Next, you'll need to connect your Next.js repo with a Neon database.

If you don't have a Neon account yet, you can sign up here. Otherwise, login and head over to Neon's console.

Follow this comprehensive project creation tutorial by Neon until you have a development database and its database URL string. Or, if you'd like, you can visit our own setup guide.

Once you have your databases' development branch's URL string, copy it and paste it into your .env file as the DATABASE_URL.

Configure Prisma

Once you have your database url set in the .env file, you can start configuring prisma. Start by generating the initial migration:

npx prisma migrate dev --name init

This command generates migration files written in SQL corresponding to our schema definitions and applies them to create the tables in your Neon database. We used the --name flag to name the migration. Now your neon development database will match the models defined in ./prisma/prisma.schema.

Start your site

Run the your Next.js website:

npm run dev

Next, head over to http://localhost:3000 and you're ready to start developing.