Rumah Sehat CIM

A customer information system to keep track of a business' customers.

Rumah Sehat CIM

About Rumah Sehat CIM

I created this application to help me keep track of customers for a small business that I worked at. I often get tasked to provide information on a customer very quickly, which was a very lengthy process using the business' legacy system as the customer base was very large even for a small business. So I developed my own application to accommodate an easier and faster process.

This application was made using React as the frontend. Firebase was utilized as a backend-as-a-service for database and authentication.

Using Firebase

Google Firebase is a comprehensive platform offered by Google that provides developers with a wide range of tools and services to build and manage web and mobile applications. Here's a summary of Google Firebase:

  1. Backend as a Service (BaaS): Firebase offers a serverless architecture, allowing developers to focus on the frontend and user experience without worrying about managing infrastructure. It provides features like real-time database, cloud functions, authentication, and file storage.
  2. Real-time Database: Firebase Realtime Database is a NoSQL cloud-hosted database that allows real-time synchronization and data updates across connected clients. It uses WebSockets to provide live updates to the application.
  3. Authentication: Firebase Authentication simplifies the process of user authentication by offering ready-to-use authentication methods such as email/password, social media sign-in, and more. It handles authentication securely, storing user credentials and managing user sessions.
  4. Cloud Firestore: Firestore is a flexible and scalable NoSQL document database offered by Firebase. It provides powerful querying capabilities, real-time updates, offline support, and seamless integration with other Firebase services.
  5. Cloud Functions: Firebase Cloud Functions lets developers write serverless functions in JavaScript or TypeScript that can be triggered by events in Firebase services or HTTPS requests. It allows for server-side logic without managing infrastructure.
  6. Hosting: Firebase Hosting provides a reliable and secure hosting solution for web applications. It simplifies the deployment process and offers features like SSL certificates, custom domain setup, and CDN integration.
  7. Cloud Storage: Firebase Cloud Storage is a scalable object storage solution for storing and serving user-generated content, such as images, videos, and files. It offers easy integration with Firebase Authentication and Security Rules for access control.
  8. Analytics and Performance Monitoring: Firebase provides tools for tracking user behavior, measuring app performance, and gaining insights through Firebase Analytics and Firebase Performance Monitoring.
  9. Cloud Messaging: Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) enables developers to send notifications and messages to users on various platforms, including Android, iOS, and web.
  10. Machine Learning: Firebase offers ML Kit, a mobile SDK that brings Google's machine learning capabilities to mobile apps. It provides features like text recognition, image labeling, face detection, and more.

Firebase is known for its ease of use, scalability, and integration with other Google Cloud services. It is widely used by developers to build robust and scalable applications, especially those requiring real-time updates, user authentication, and cloud-based data storage.

Tools & Technologies Used








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